They’re Lucky: Boldness – Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

They're Lucky
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Success stories often come with a simple narrative: “They got lucky.” This phrase is frequently used to explain why some people achieve remarkable success while others do not. However, the truth behind many success stories is not about random chance but about the bold actions individuals take when faced with obstacles. They find opportunities where others see only challenges, proving that luck often has less to do with it than we think.

The Perception of Luck

Many successful individuals are often perceived as “lucky” by those who observe their achievements from the outside. This perception stems from a tendency to attribute success to external factors rather than recognizing the internal qualities and efforts that contributed to it. Statements like “They were in the right place at the right time” or “They had connections” simplify complex journeys into mere happenstance.

The Reality of Bold Actions

The reality is that success typically involves a combination of vision, hard work, and the ability to turn obstacles into opportunities. Here are several key ways in which bold actions, rather than luck, drive success:

Identifying Opportunities in Adversity:

Successful individuals see obstacles as opportunities to innovate and grow. For example, during economic downturns, some entrepreneurs launch new businesses that address emerging needs, turning potential setbacks into platforms for success.

Taking Calculated Risks:

Rather than waiting for the perfect moment, successful people take calculated risks. They evaluate potential outcomes and act decisively, often seizing opportunities that others might overlook due to fear or uncertainty.

Resilience and Persistence:

Success rarely comes without failures along the way. Those who ultimately succeed are often the ones who persist through setbacks, learning from their experiences and continuously pushing forward.

Strategic Networking:

Building and leveraging a strong network is a proactive effort, not a stroke of luck. Successful individuals strategically connect with others, seeking out mentors, collaborators, and supporters who can provide guidance and open doors.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation:

Staying adaptable and committed to lifelong learning allows individuals to navigate and thrive amidst change. They are prepared to pivot and adjust their strategies based on new information and evolving circumstances.

Case Study: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

Consider the story of Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. Often labeled as “lucky” for her success, Blakely’s journey was marked by bold actions and strategic thinking:

  • Facing Rejection: Before Spanx became a household name, Blakely faced numerous rejections from manufacturers and investors. Instead of giving up, she persisted, believing in her vision and eventually securing a manufacturer willing to take a chance on her idea.

  • Innovative Solutions: Blakely’s innovation stemmed from her own frustration with existing products. Her willingness to solve a personal problem and turn it into a business opportunity was a bold move that required insight and courage.

  • Building a Brand: She strategically marketed her product, initially sending it to Oprah Winfrey, who then featured Spanx on her show. This exposure was not a matter of luck but a calculated effort to reach influential figures.

Blakely’s success was not due to random luck but to her ability to see potential where others did not and to act boldly in the face of challenges.

Changing the Narrative

It’s essential to change the narrative around success and recognize the role of bold actions in creating opportunities. When we attribute success solely to luck, we undermine the efforts and strategies that drive real achievements. By acknowledging the hard work, resilience, and strategic thinking behind success stories, we can inspire others to take bold steps in their own journeys.


While luck might play a minor role in certain scenarios, true success is often the result of bold actions, perseverance, and the ability to turn obstacles into opportunities. By focusing on these aspects, we can better understand and replicate the paths to success, transforming challenges into stepping stones toward our goals. The next time you hear someone described as “lucky,” remember the likely reality: their boldness, vision, and hard work made their own luck.


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