Harold Sosna Business Growth Strategist's Blog, provides timely and informative articles that are relevant to the growth and success of all small businesses.


Effective Coaching Questions for Maximizing Client Growth

Learn how effective coaching questions for client growth can unlock potential, drive transformation, and create meaningful coaching outcomes.

Forget Revenue-Measure Client Delight to Propel Your Growth

Focusing on 'Client Delight' instead of revenue can skyrocket your business growth. Practical steps to create memorable customer experiences that drive loyalty.

They’re Lucky: Boldness – Turning Obstacles into Opportunities

They're Lucky? Or Did They Turn Obstacles Into Opportunities Success stories often come with a simple narrative: "They're lucky." This phrase is frequently used to explain why some people achieve remarkable success

Resilience in Business: Johnny’s Rise from Poverty to Billions

Learn how resilience in business turned Johnny's life from hardship to a billion-dollar empire with Paul Mitchell and Patrón Spirits.

Are you struggling to keep your small business competitive?

In today's fast-paced and digitally-driven world, are you struggling to keep your small business competitive? Are you overwhelmed by all the new technologies?

Is Your Small Business Ready To Break The Sound Barrier?

Many businesses have the potential to "break the sound barrier," but instead, they find themselves taxiing endlessly on the runway, unsure of how to achieve lift-off. If this resonates with you, it's time to examine what might be holding your business back and how you can get it airborne.

Wonder Why Your Small Business Scaling Isn’t What You Hoped?

The Biggest Roadblock to Your Small Business Success Just Might Be You. When we think about the challenges that small businesses face, we often blame external factors: the market, the competition, the economy. However, the real answer might surprise you. The biggest roadblock is often ourselves. Yes, you read that right. As small business owners, ... Read more

Tested Strategies That Skyrocket Sales And Propel Revenue

Are you looking for tested strategies to increase sales and revenue for your business? Here are proven strategies that can help grow your business and increase your sales.

Relieve Stress. How to Find Success & Get Your Life Back

As a business growth strategist, I've encountered numerous small business owners struggling with stress, overwhelm, and a general lack of business knowledge. In this article, I'll share effective strategies to help you reclaim your time, relieve stress, and achieve more success with less effort.

Importance of a Trusted Advisor for Small Business Growth

Small business owners wear so many different hats. The journey to business growth can be overwhelming, and seeking help may feel like a sign of weakness or incompetence.

Get in Touch

Harold Sosna Profit Propulsion Consulting
(513) 477-4330





In this book, I show any businessperson how, in about an hour, I help them discover 6 figures of hidden revenue in their business and turn it into massive profits, without any additional ad spend!

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